The world’s
most known Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg back in February 2004 with
his other fellow college friends from Harvard University. A website that
started as a membership website for the Harvard students has now become the
most popular social networking website in the whole wide world. It is known for
its easy access of staying in touch with your friends, sharing your interests,
keeping up with your favourite celebrities and many more sort of entertainment.
In relation to this, does this entertainment bring any good to us?
There are
over 35 million active users on this website. Could this people be real? Or
some people who are paedophiles trying to get to know you. In my point of view,
these days teenagers have been sharing too much and very personal details on
Facebook, especially your whereabouts and which elementary you go to which is
not helpful for your security.
In relation
to this, exposing your details in this sort of website could also sell your
identification for scamming in a blink of an eye especially your
birthdate. Fake identification has also
become popular and mostly occurs in social networking websites. People could
just use your identification to create fake profile to insult or harass someone.
This could lead to cyber bullying and suicide cases which are known amongst
socializing by facing the computer all day does not bring any advantages to us
as well. I feel that teens should be focused on their school work or be
socializing with their friends in person or exercising which develops your
communication skills and stimulate your senses. Facebook is just changing the
new generation of youngsters completely because the teenage life is one of the
most important stages of life and wasting it on Facebook is not encouraging
this in any way.
In my
opinion, this sort of entertainment is very addictive and could bring
disadvantages to us as it consumes most of our time. We should always instil
this phrase in ourselves, ‘be wise an owl’ in the matter of using time as time
is gold. We could spare our ample time by revising, doing some quality time
with family or even recreation activities. Therefore, in my opinion, Facebook
is big time waster.