Sunday, 25 May 2014

calisthenics(street workout)

The word Calisthenics comes from the ancient Greek kallos (κάλλος), which means beauty, and sthénos (σθένος) meaning strength. It is the art of using your own body weight and qualities of inertia as a means to develop your physique. A longstanding urban legend has claimed that the exercise was named after one of its earliest promotors, the Greek historianCallisthenes.[1]
Disciples of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn brought their version of gymnastics to the United States, while Catherine Beecher and Dio Lewis set up physical education programs for women in the 19th century.[1] Organized systems of calisthenics in America took a back seat to competitive sports after the Battle of the Systems, when the states mandated physical education systems.[citation needed]
street workout is a physical activity performed mostly in outdoor parks or public facilities. It is a combination of athletics,calisthenics, and sports. Street Workout is modern name for bodyweight workout in outdoor parks.
A typical street workout routine often consists of exercises such as pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, dips, muscle-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats. Street workout also involves some static (isometric) holds such as the human flag, front lever, back lever and planche.
Street workout has been widely popularized through Youtube and is popular among younger generations. Some of the main appeals of Street Workout over more traditional activities are: It is completely free, it promotes healthy living and socializing and a desirable physique can be attained with it.
futhermore , here in malaysia got alot of streetworkout teams like bar-risan barsteel bar-hasa bar-selatan every big city in malaysia socialize in this activity. First malaysian influenced are chazynash and his brother from jitra, kedah and bar-risan is their team.

1 comment:

  1. Calisthenics en street workouts zijn echt inspirerend! Ze bevorderen niet alleen fysieke kracht, maar ook een gemeenschapsgevoel en toegankelijkheid door fitness in de buitenlucht te brengen. De mix van sportiviteit en creativiteit in lichaamsgewichtoefeningen is opmerkelijk. Ik vind het geweldig om te zien dat meer mensen deze beweging omarmen! Bekijk meer: Buiten fitnesstoestellen voor streetworkout en calisthenics.
